‘Steel Talons’, a 1992 early generation flight simulator game for the Atatri Lynx color handheld game system, provided a 12 mission platform for the gamer to fly their attack helicopter, engage enemy ground and air assets, and record points. There was a side board display for navigation and target acquisition. This was a strong offering in its day, given the small size of the unit, and the relative infancy of flight simulation during its time frame.
This painting was commissioned by Atari Lynx for it’s U.S. and European launch of ‘Steel Talons’ and was printed on the small Lynx container along with his separate custom painted logo for the title: a battle scarred chrome and black enameled lettered ‘Steel Talons’ with a Bull’s eye center in the ‘O’ character.
Clicking either of the below images will take you to Imagekind where you can purchase a print in a selection of price ranges. The first image contains the above inscription about the game.